Flight traces

Competition Enterprise North Hill 2017 Flight traces for Days 1 - 7 are now available on DSGC website 
Flight traces from Day 1

Day 7 - Update 4

The Day 7 Final scores have been revised, and the Overall Scores updated.

Day 7 Update 3

Well the weather turned our rather good for a short task, and all those who patiently waited, were rewarded with some really nice Devon soaring. Alan Price made it up to Dunkery Beacon on Exmoor (which is a very rare occurrence from North Hill). 
The Final Party was enjoyed by all with the usual speeches and gifts, prizes were awarded as follows:
1st Trevor Stuart - Enterprise Challenge Trophy
2nd Justin Wills - Pop's Pot
3rd Mike Armstrong - Pop's Pot
John Cadman Trophy - Trevor Stuart - for his flight on Day 6 with racquet of Lasham
Sam Witter Trophy - Bob Bromwich - for his flight on Tuesday which was scrubbed, flew in sight of Lundy Island
Blunt Nails Trophy - Jordan Richards - for best in a low performance glider
Highest placed Junior - Jordan Richards
Best Retrieve story - Andrew & Jill Cluskey for retrieve of Andrew Reid  when his engine had failed to start. 

Day 7 scores and Overall scores have now been published.

Thank you to everyone for a great competition, see you next year at Aston Down.

Day 7 - Update 2

All have been launched and are 'around and about'.

Day 7 - Update 1

Launching has started

Saturday 8th July

A slightly reduced grid today, but Task has been set 'Around and About'. Waiting for the weather.....

Day 6 - Update 2

Preliminary scores for Day 6 and Overall scores up to Day 6 are now available.

Day 6 - Update 1

Well that didn't quite go according to plan. The North Hill clag was reluctant to clear, so the few brave pundits who crept off to the east managed to get to the good air and enjoy themselves. The rest struggled with very short legs locally under 1500-2000ft  curtains of cloud.  

Justin Wills (1) and Trevor Stuart (621) chose Lasham as their remote racquets, Justin  landed at Compton Abbas on the way back from Lasham, Trevor Stuart (621), Bob Bromwich (94), Mike Armstrong (JVA), all motored back from their  various "racquets"(aka BGA turnpoints). 

Comment from David Masson "I saw 1 and 621 turn and I think they should have carried on a bit further east!"

Friday 7th July

Everyone is on the grid and the Task is set - Anyone for Tennis? The North Hill low cloud has cleared and launching  has started  with Justin and Trevor checking out the conditions.

Day 5 - Update 4

All accounted for, Justin's still on the road having turned Lasham and soared back to Old Sarum.

Day 5 - Update 3

Lots  of gliders are landing back some are pressing on east.

Day 4 Winner

Day 4 - Westward Ho! Congratulations to Rod Witter 206kms winning on handicap in the Silent over Jon Wand who did the same distance.
Rod flew to Chippenham and back.
Special mention goes to Jordan Richards for getting a bonus for visiting Cornwall...and he tells us how he did it

In the evening, the DSGC Juniors organised a Barbeque for Club members and Competitors with proceeds going to the Ian Beckett Fund which supports DSGC Junior members.

Day 5 - Update 2

They are are all off on task, AC has just phoned in - down near Culmhead airfield.

Day 5 - Update 1

Justin has been sniffing and the grid has started launching.

Thursday 6th July

Day 5 - The grid is set up, and thanks to Marc Corrance for some good drone footage while we are waiting.

Grid ready (Marc Corrance)
 Task is set 'Running round in Circles', just waiting for the weather!

Day 4a - Update 5

Preliminary Day 4a scores are available, overall scores up to Day 4a are updated.

Day4a - Update 4

All accounted for, some still on the road.

Day 4a - Update 3

711 is down at Eaglescott, L18 has been to Cornwall landed Launceston, T1 has got back from Chippenham 206kms collecting all the turnpoints on the way.

Day 4a - Update 2

First outlanding reported 88 at Taunton Racecourse

Day Winners

Time to catch up with some Winners photos.
Day 1 Winner  'A Northward Challenge' - Justin Wills Antares 18, 297kms
Justin tried to get to Bidford
Day 2 Winner 'Visit our Friends' - Jon Wand ASH26E 541kms 12 gliding sites
Jon had the most friends
Day 3 Winner 'Around the compass' - Trevor Stuart ASG29 236kms
Trevor telling us how he did it
And on Monday evening Guy Westgate flew his dusk aerobatic display in GliderFX which was enjoyed by all.
Waiting for the dusk
More to come.....

Day 4a - Update 1

After a little hiccup in the temperature trace, it has started going up again,  and an occasional cu popping can be spotted, launching has started.

Wednesday 5th July

After a moderate amount of chaos at the west end of the airfield, the grid is ready, Task has been set as 'Westward Ho!' - just waiting for the thermals to pop.....

Day 4 - Update 2

Overall scores now include Day 3.

Day 4 - Update 1

Day 4 has been scrubbed, (combination of late start and forecast lowish cloudbase) was not inspiring. Hey Ho!

Tuesday 4th July

Another late start waiting for the sky to improve, Task set is '2-legged Spider'.

Day 3 - Update 3

Provisional Day 3 scores are available.

Day 3 - Update 2

All accounted for, and all retrieves back, scoring in progress

Day 3 - Update 1

BBB is down at Halberton, Z5 and C55 are at Cadbury Cross, 272 is the first finisher.

Monday 3rd July

Weather has now improved as hoped for and launching of 27 gliders has completed. Task set is 'Around the Compass'

Day 2 - Update 4

Provisional scores for Day 2 and overall scores  are now available. (sorry for the delays)

Day 2 - Update 3

Super day - everyone is accounted for, several still on retrieves.

Day 2 - Update 2

DRE, 611 and 525 still thinking about launching, and GEF and A10 landed at Yeovilton

Day 2 - Update 1

2  gliders pulled off waiting for better conditions? otherwise all are off visiting friends at other gliding sites

Sunday 2nd July

Day 2
Slight delay on launching as the thermals reluctant to start in Devon, but launching now in full swing. Task set as 'Visit our friends'

Day 1 Winner

Justin Wills tells us how he did it.

Day 1 - Update 6

Provisional Scores are available for Day 1

Day 1 - Update 5

All are back or on the road, scoring in progress

Day 1 - Update 4

A98 and 1 have landed at Aston Down

Day 1 - Update 3

711 and 272 are at The Park

Day 1 - Update 2

DRE, BBB, J5T, 525, JDD, ECJ, 790, GEF, SM, A10, AP, T1 all landed back

Day 1 -update1

The late launchers are struggling in the blue conditions, Landouts so far DG1, W7, C55, 611

Saturday 1st July

Day 1 - Launching is in progress,
Task is 'Northward Challenge'  from North Hill to Bidford (via Devizes).

Friday 30th June

Most of the Competitors have arrived and booked in, and enjoyed meeting old friends at the Welcome Supper.
Plenty of catching up to do (Liam Vile)
Briefing at 10:00 Saturday.

Welcome to North Hill 2017

Welcome to the Competition Enterprise Blog for North Hill 2017. Here you will be able to keep up to date with all the excitement of the Competition.